What happens to a Bulbasaur in fall? Is it a bad idea for an Eggsecute to join an Easter Egg hunt? How hard does a Magikarp have to work to keep getting into fights in order to level up? These silly questions and other scenarios are explored in this Pokémon Fan comic about three best friends exploring the world and having adventures. A fun new take on a familiar brand with a dose of childhood nostalgia, every week this series sets out to bring some smiles.

Created in 2017 as a series of warmup doodles from this first comic, Lil Char has always been a side project primarily for when I couldn’t think of anything else to draw until a comic tweeted for my then-60 followers went viral, people asked for more and I started uploading weekly in what has now been nearly two years of comics. While the original comic that went viral had a different tone than the final product, the basic child-like nature of the characters and the world around them has remained essentially the same.
The original Chess comic can be read below. Wild to think what it’s started!